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暴 bao

Home Pinyin bao

雹暴 báobào hailstorm

暴跌 bàodiē nosedive; plummet; plummeted; plummeting; plunge; plunged; tumbled

暴动 bàodòng insurgency; rebellion; riot; riotously; riots

暴发 bàofā outbreak

暴发户 bàofā hù upstart

暴风雨 bàofēngyǔ storm

暴君 bàojūn despot; oppressor; tyrant

暴力 bàolì violence; violent

暴利 bàolì profiteering

暴露 bàolù bared; expose; exposure; exposures

暴民 bàomín mob

暴虐 bàonüè tyrannical

暴食 bàoshí gluttony

暴徒 bàotú mobs; thug; thugs

暴行 bàoxíng atrocities; atrocity; outrages

暴饮暴食 bào yǐn bàoshí overeating

暴雨 bàoyǔ rainstorm

暴躁 bàozào irascible; irritable

暴涨 bàozhǎng skyrocket

暴政 bàozhèng despotism; misrule; tyranny

残暴 cánbào brutalization

粗暴 cūbào brusque; gruff; rough

风暴 fēngbào storm

雷暴 léibào thunderstorm; thunderstorms

强暴 qiángbào rape

自暴自弃 zìbàozìqì self-destruction

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce